The rainy season in the Philippines has become synonymous “dengue outbreak season.”
In 2015, the Department of Health (DOH) said that out of more than 58,000 people afflicted by dengue, 154 of which died. Although fewer cases have been reported in Metro Manila and its surrounding provinces, cases in the Western Visayas and parts of Mindanao have increased to more than 100{776bef2645dceb4521a1eee61a132ae0c3b98f9cdf92a03a3f3e7d6d340dbf97}.
Dengue fever is a tropical disease caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes. Most cases of dengue fever are mild and go away on their own after about a week.
– sudden onset of fever
– extreme tiredness
– intense headache (especially behind the eyes)
– muscle and joint pain (ankles, knees and elbows)
– loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, a metallic taste
– flushed skin on face and neck
– fine skin rash as fever subsides
– red rash on arms and legs, itching, peeling of skin and hair loss
– minor bleeding (nose or gums)
– heavy menstrual periods on women
The illness lasts up to a week. In some cases, fever and possibly worse symptoms may return for another 2-3 days.
If you see these signs on your child or any member of the family, visit your doctor immediately before it’s too late.
Some people with dengue need urgent hospital treatment for complications such as shock or haemorrhage.
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